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BachelorCultural and Social Anthropology

Tuition fee €2,800 per year
Application fee €170 one-time

The application fee is 170.00 EUR. The application fee is non-refundable.

Payment of the application fee and the diploma recognition fee should be paid only after the receipt of the invoice and must be paid BY the deadline of the invoice, if for any reason you have failed to pay the fees by the said deadline please contact the admission coordinator.
The application will be processed only after the payment receipt (the official receipt issued by the bank) has been uploaded in the Apply system, take note: in the event of any changes made in the application, you are to resubmit the application to confirm and save the changes.

Deposit €500 one-time

A one-time payment for students coming from third countries outside the EU/EEA is to be paid in full together with the full-year tuition fee payable upon arrival. The deposit is intended for coverage of possible immigration expenses and paid back upon request after graduation.

More information



The study programme provides students with a solid base of anthropological knowledge and research skills upon which to build in their later academic or professional career. It covers both the main themes in anthropological theory, economic and political anthropology, as well as anthropology of gender and religion, and thus helps students to develop critical thinking and interdisciplinary analysis skills. The programme is mostly orientated towards public anthropology and the Baltic region, but students are encouraged to develop and explore their own research topics with the support of experienced supervisors within our department.
Our senior programme staff holds doctoral degrees from world’s best ranking universities and are active in the public sphere, encouraging also their students to express their opinions and research results in the mass media.
The progrmme uses its ERASMUS exchange agreements to send students to other European universities and welcomes students from abroad visiting Latvia.

Career opportunities

Graduates can pursue further academic studies or a professional career in the public/NGO/ private sector in Latvia and abroad.

Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024