Tuition fee €5,400 per year
Application fee €170 one-time

The application fee is 170.00 EUR. The application fee is non-refundable.

Payment of the application fee and the diploma recognition fee should be paid only after the receipt of the invoice and must be paid BY the deadline of the invoice, if for any reason you have failed to pay the fees by the said deadline please contact the admission coordinator.
The application will be processed only after the payment receipt (the official receipt issued by the bank) has been uploaded in the Apply system, take note: in the event of any changes made in the application, you are to resubmit the application to confirm and save the changes.

Deposit €500 one-time

A one-time payment for students coming from third countries outside the EU/EEA is to be paid in full together with the full-year tuition fee payable upon arrival. The deposit is intended for coverage of possible immigration expenses and paid back upon request after graduation.

More information 


The “Mathematics and Data Science” study program is designed to offer cutting-edge, technology-based education, cultivating highly skilled specialists proficient in mathematics, statistics, data science, and programming. The study program offers three specialized sub-programs: Data Science, Technology Mathematics, and Pure Mathematics.

Our program collaborates with top-tier experts in Latvia within the fields of mathematics, statistics, and data science. Additionally, we host guest lecturers from international backgrounds and industry professionals, enriching the educational experience with diverse perspectives.

Students are encouraged to engage in exchange programs with numerous Erasmus partner universities, broadening their academic horizons. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to provide a robust foundation for students interested in pursuing doctoral studies or scientific research.

The main goal of the study program is to prepare flexible experts who excel in various industries, pursue advanced studies, and make meaningful contributions to the rapidly evolving fields of mathematics, statistics, and data science.

Career opportunities

Upon completion of the master’s study program, graduates possess versatile skills enabling them to thrive in diverse sectors such as private enterprises and industry, scientific research institutions, and academic environments. They are equipped for roles as:
- Data Scientists, Engineers and Analysts: proficient in extracting insights from complex data sets and implementing data-driven strategies across various domains.
- Quantitative Analysts in Finance and Economics, Actuaries, Risk Managers: utilizing mathematical and statistical expertise to excel in financial analysis, risk assessment, economic modeling, and various other roles specific to these fields.
- Mathematical Modelling Engineers: performing engineering tasks related to mathematical modelling and scientific computing (e.g. in electrical/electronic engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering), biology, medicine (data processing, epidemiological modelling).
- Research or Academic Mathematicians: advancing mathematical knowledge in topology, fuzzy logic, quantum computing and data science, educating the next generation of mathematicians, and conducting research in specific areas. Graduates keen on furthering their academic pursuits can opt for doctoral studies.
Graduates also frequently pursue careers as Programmers and IT Specialists, Biostatisticians and Medical Statisticians.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment