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DoctorateHuman Factors, Occupational Safety and Health

Tuition fee €4,000 per year
Application fee €170 one-time

The application fee is 170.00 EUR. The application fee is non-refundable.

Payment of the application fee and the diploma recognition fee should be paid only after the receipt of the invoice and must be paid BY the deadline of the invoice, if for any reason you have failed to pay the fees by the said deadline please contact the admission coordinator.
The application will be processed only after the payment receipt (the official receipt issued by the bank) has been uploaded in the Apply system, take note: in the event of any changes made in the application, you are to resubmit the application to confirm and save the changes.

Deposit €500 one-time

A one-time payment for students coming from third countries outside the EU/EEA is to be paid in full together with the full-year tuition fee payable upon arrival. The deposit is intended for coverage of possible immigration expenses and paid back upon request after graduation.

More information



Aim of study program

To prepare doctors of science, highly qualified researchers and specialists with appropriate knowledge, skills and competences about the importance of the human factor in work processes, safety at work and occupational health, as well as to obtain internationally comparable competence and an internationally comparable Ph.D. degree.

The programme has been developed within the framework of the project “Design of Internationally Competitive Study Programmes Promoting the Development of the National Economy of Latvia at the University of Latvia” (project No. / 18 / A / 015).

Programme structure

The content of the study program involves the scientific research, knowledge creation and transfer, approval work and specialization courses and consists of the following modules:
Science module – 95 creditpoints in total;
Specialization module – 25 creditpoints in total.

Career opportunities

After the successful completion of the study program and the awarding of the doctoral scientific degree (Ph.D.), graduates are ready to work in any sector of the economy both as leading-level specialists and as consultants, create their own company and work at universities and higher education institutions as teaching staff and researchers in the field of human factors, safety at work, occupational health, occupational health, work environment risk management, labor protection, labor relations and management.

Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024